Anxiety & coping in the world of 2024

Anxiety & coping in the world of 2024

June 25, 2024 | By Amanda Cramer

For so many people, the last decade has had many stressors. The global pandemic alone has been traumatic for many of us. Extreme weather events – the Nebraska floods in 2019, the tornados, the straight-line wind storms, the seemingly increasing hail, and the excessive cold in the winter – these, too, could be considered traumatic […]

Health Benefits of Being Outside

November 16, 2020 | By Emily Goodwin

With the days getting shorter and the weather turning colder, it can be difficult to find the motivation or time to get outside. Even thinking about the numerous layers of clothing required for a short walk outside in the frigid temperatures can be daunting. However, taking a winter walk or even just spending time outside […]

Yoga for First Responders

July 23, 2020 | By Emily Goodwin

A first responder is an individual who is the first to respond when there is a crisis, accident, emergency, or — most recently — a pandemic. Professions that are categorized as first responders can include: Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), medical workers, paramedics, firefighters, school resource officers, and police officers.  During the COVID-19 pandemic, first responders have […]

In-person office visits: What you should know

July 21, 2020 | By Johnna Hjersman Everson

At OIC, we are looking forward to being able to see our clients, patients, and colleagues in person once again. It has been a long time, and we miss the experience of being face-to-face and in the same room, sharing space and energy with each other. However, as health care providers, we are also cognizant […]

What you’re feeling might be burnout — here’s what you can do about it

July 14, 2020 | By Kristen Menke

I’m seeing a growing trend in therapy sessions lately. A number of my clients are reporting feeling exhausted, unmotivated, apathetic, unproductive, and have become harshly judgmental of their actions (or inaction) and their feelings. “Sounds like burnout,” I tell them. “What’s burnout?” is the most common response. The second most common response has been, “I […]

Easing your Zoom burnout

May 05, 2020 | By Stephanie Watson

In the wake of COVID-19, many of us have turned to alternate ways of communicating and conducting business. Zoom is a widely popular platform, and boy are we grateful! For many of us, Zoom is how we are teaching, connecting, and maintaining our work obligations! Moving forward, many of us may continue to work from […]

Naming fear and releasing it

April 10, 2020 | By Julie Luzarraga

“If you touch the fear instead of running from it, you find tenderness, vulnerability, and sometimes a sense of sadness.” — Pema Chödrön Fear is a bottomless pit; we are all susceptible. Many of our behaviors are driven by fear — a fear of not being liked, fear of the unknown, fear of loss. The more afraid […]

Tips and tricks for making telehealth work for you

April 09, 2020 | By Johnna Hjersman Everson

Many of us are navigating Telehealth for the first time, including practitioners. This new way of connecting with your provider and receiving care remotely can take some getting used to — and occasionally some troubleshooting. We wanted to offer the following resources to help you navigate Telehealth and make it work for you. The first is […]

Creating a Home Sanctuary

April 07, 2020 | By Emily Goodwin

Our homes have transformed into multi-purpose spaces. With many of us staying at home the majority of the week, our homes are now our workplace, gym, entertainment areas, and so much more. When considering how much our homes have shifted in response to the pandemic, it is no surprise that we are faced with the […]

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