Integrative care supports both patient and provider

Integrative care supports both patient and provider

May 29, 2024 | By Heather Irvin

I’m three months into my work as a therapist, and I’m like a new mother in love with my work/baby. My patients have touched my heart and enriched my soul. I find I have particular interest in working with trans folks, with people who are grieving, with people who are considering expanding their families or […]

20 thoughtful questions to deepen your relationship

February 05, 2024 | By Amanda Cramer

Make an effort. Partners, find time to connect and have meaningful conversations. It is easy to become quickly overwhelmed with work, school projects, and family commitments. While these things can be positive in our lives, they can also extend beyond our comfort zones. When we don’t have time to have meaningful conversations with our partners, […]

Inviting in a Mindful Eating Practice

June 23, 2020 | By Emily Goodwin

Think back to the last meal you ate: Can you describe it? Did you enjoy your food, or quickly finish the meal to return to your day? Without judging, take a moment to reflect on your personal approach to mealtimes.  Multiple factors can influence sub-optimal mealtime experiences: distractions from family members, feeling bored, experiencing repetitive […]

Easing your Zoom burnout

May 05, 2020 | By Stephanie Watson

In the wake of COVID-19, many of us have turned to alternate ways of communicating and conducting business. Zoom is a widely popular platform, and boy are we grateful! For many of us, Zoom is how we are teaching, connecting, and maintaining our work obligations! Moving forward, many of us may continue to work from […]

Mindful Moment: Pause

February 25, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

What would it look like if we all paused for just one breath?  What if you paused before that snarky comment came out of your mouth; before you mindlessly cut someone off in traffic; before you sent that email?  Mindfulness teaches that when we pause we make better and more loving decisions. Our current culture, […]

Mindful Moment: Wrapping Gifts

December 12, 2016 | By Julie Luzarraga

My sister is one of the most thoughtful people I know.  She may not realize it, but she practices mindfulness regularly.  She is thoughtful in choosing her words, noticing others’ responses, and being present in her relationships in general.  This time of year, I most admire her mindfulness to wrapping gifts.  When she gives, whether […]

Mindful Moment: Silence

December 04, 2016 | By Julie Luzarraga

“Silence is like a cradle holding our endeavors and our will; a silent spaciousness sustains us in our work and at the same time connects us to larger worlds that, in the busyness of our daily struggle to achieve, we have not yet investigated. Silence is the soul’s break for freedom.”   David Whyte Some ecologists, […]

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