Real, raw, and SIMPLE vulnerability. Vulnerability without having to look fear in the eyes, or jump off a cliff or admit your love for someone.
Let’s begin with “dress rehearsing tragedy”. Like looking at your child with so much love and tenderness but imagining them dying or watching your partner show love but jumping right to them breaking your heart. So all of a sudden we go from experiencing joy to triggering our nervous system, or our fight or flight response. Our mind, such a complex and beautiful thing. However, our best fabricator.
The answer? Jump into vulnerability, feet first. By first experiencing the joy. Experience the love and tenderness you feel for your child when you look at them, and when you mind begins to shift to that darker place, lead it back into gratitude. If we live our lives in moments of preparing for the next tragedy than we loose just that, the moments. We loose the human experience, our purpose.
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