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Meet Danni Powers, LMT, CR, our newest massage therapist! Danni’s specialties lie in deep tissue massage using a plethora of deep tissue modalities such as iso-active stretching, neuromuscular, and musculoskeletal. She is well versed in relaxing Swedish Massage, as well as many Spa Body Treatments used for detoxification of the body along with skin polishing and softening. Danni is bringing in several Advanced Massage Modalities such as:
- Hot Stone
- Thai Herbal Compression Balls
- Heated Bamboo Sticks
- Reflexology
- Cupping
- Paraffin Wax
- Heated lava shells
- Chilled glacier shells
- Body Wraps
Danni has been practicing these advanced modalities for many years and her expertise and knowledge for massage has given her the ability to find her niche — medical massage meets luxury.
Massage goes far beyond something that we use to “treat ourselves.” Massage is a necessity to a healthy and well balanced life.
Come experience Danni’s unique approach to massage at Omaha Integrative Care, your time to heal is calling.
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